Monday, August 16, 2010

Random Post-My Thoughts Last Night

I had no idea how to make a comeback(and most likely leave for the next few months) so i'm just posting my thoughts from last night
Man, school sucks, why the heck am I in Advanced Pre-Algerbra, I got a C in math last trimester,and it's my only adv. class, not as bad as Music i guess, the Clarinet seems fun, but i've been doing it for 4 years straight,why the hell can't I leave? Well a free trip to Disneyland sounds fun, i guess. School sucks like i said above,at least in 2012 the world could possibly end, maybe through a meteor, or some nutjob terrorist launches a nuclear bomb, or maybe a super volcano will blow up and convert all of the oxygen into carbon or something....... anyway it happens, it happens. Man, if it does, that means i'm going to die at age 15, then again little 1 year olds will die to, and a bunch of animals, probably not cockroaches........ hmmmm my birthday is coming up, i wonder what useless crap i'm a gonna get this time. Maybe Halo:Reach, that sounds sick, i want Recon, so I'll probably pre-order it, Halo 3 is the bomb, i got a Killtrocity(6 0r 7 kills under something like 12 seconds) Too bad i can't play it, or ANY games on weekdays, so I focus on school. The whole universe from Earth Science makes me think, what if the universe is only a fraction of some Giga Dimensional Space Cat's Pupil.....or maybe we're just one of the million universes part of that Multiverse theory or whatever, man when i learned if the gravity was just a tad higher or lower, we wouldn't have existed, i S*$% bricks, then again, that's probably the case in some other universe of that Multiverse crap.......... I'm just rambling now huh? It's fun though..... Once again, where i started, school sucks. I hate the popular kids, we got boys wearing their pants really low, like some fat gangster, wearing some skateboard crap shirt, and we got popular girls wearing shorts less then 2 inches tall, or just wearing there darn Pj's to school, F*%&ing retarded...........then when the lead popular boy/girl gets beat up, the winner and his/her friends replace all of the popular kids, and we get into some new fassion, or 8th grader shenanigans, or yard duty strictness. all of it is stupid........why am I not one of them, i'm not that cool, but I'm hell of a lot better then the nerds who collect crap. Hell, i'm better then the Semi-Popular kids, I'm in the top 40's probably,why am i whining? Seriously, am I just a whiner? Is this entire post one giant ass whine? Man, why am I still typing, you probably only read the first few sentences....well I'm hungry, I'll post later this week if I feel like it....probably not...
Peace guys (and girls if there are any) -Shaun Sas (My innitials,I'm not sassy, lol)

1 comment:

  1. i read the whole post and all i gotta say is wow.....theres a lot of random stuff thrown in there. but i think 8th grade was the best school year for me. thats the year i became popular.
