Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas Parade

To those who don't know, i'm in my school's band, and today was our city's Christmas Parade(one every year) and our school's band was in it. It was pretty cool besides it being 10F in and raining. Not to mention Rain can mess up Clarinets (which is what i play) Anyway, just checking in. Comment your thoughts on this.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Anon 7 is HERE

That's right, i got it to work, right now it's kind of in a beta,(maybe not) but you can join, if you discover anything.........abnormal, just pm me,or comment on this post,copy this link, and paste it in your address bar

Good to be back

Anon 7 in progress

Anon 7 is currently being worked on and will be opened to the public soon

Anon Forums

Coming soon,is the forum kingdom of Anon 7, ruled by yours truly Flagster. You can reach new ranks, talk about your favorite useless crap (i know i will), and hang out and stuff


P.S., the post under this has a chat room, for you guys to hang in while the forums are made

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Spore-Subscribe plz kthxbye

To those of you who play spore, i have a sporecast called Dinobees, plz subscribe

(note some use creepy and cute parts, and one uses robo parts, so you won't get all of them unless you have those parts)

btw does anyone even really come here anymore?

Sunday, August 29, 2010

To Bionicle Fans- Make a Tohunga

To those fans of my blogs that have been bionicle fans since 2001, I'm going to get some tohunga for my birthday day
2 Ko-Tohunga
1 Ta-Tohunga
1 Ga-Tohunga
1 Onu-Tohunga
and 1 Po-Tohunga
You guys wanna come up with some designs for custom ones, because i make a lot (I have tons of extra kanohi and the special colored feet from the Bohrok-Va) I'll post a REAL post later this week,and to those who wanna submit, just leave the instructions/pic of the custom, and tell your friends who also like tohunga about this. (I don't have every kanohi, so if i can't make it,it's 85% because of that,NO Kanohi Nuva, or any mask made in 2004 or later)

Here are examples of what tohunga look like(I've already made these,so don't submit these)

-Shaun Sas (Flagster ZX)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Random Post- Careers

Last Friday, I was on my way to Adv. Pre Algerbra, when the most popular kid kinda hit me with his shoulder while walking, he then said "I'm so God damn important, way more then you'll ever F*%&ing be!" So I said "I'm gonna do a hell of a lot better then in life then you ever will!" because seriously, the poular kids just become hair stylists or car fixers, while the nerds become famous muscians, head of companies, and stuff. like look at Bill Gates, biggest F&^*ing nerd there was, and he become the manager of the world's most succesful pc company. Even that singer, Gwen Stefani, she was a nerd,now look at her, famous singer. After i said that to the kid, I just realized something.

Usually kids wanna be astronauts, police men, super heroes, or even doctors, I've never really wanted to be anything (seriously)

I mean being a police officer isn't as good as it sounds. They just write tickets, or chase crooks. They can even get shot, it's a dangerous job too.

Being an astronaut, I will admit, sounds very cool, but did you know out of 50,000, only 5 become astronauts, so even if you do become one, there's the risk of space ships blowing up. Seriously, it's happened before.

Being a doctor, isn't very fun either. You have to go to school for 4 extra years, and then you have the pressure of being one. What if you couldn't save a man? If he died, his family would cry for weeks, maybe months. What if you couldn't save some little boy's cat or dog? They would f*^&ing cry their eyes out. Also, what if someone who got so depressed, they killed themself? Being a doctor isn't so great.

Seriously, some of these jobs can be horrible underneath it all. The jobs that i'm considering, believe it or not, is being a lawyer, an astronomy teacher at a college, or even being a real estate agent sounds good

Deciding what you want to be is a big decision, and in these times, your job manners even more then it used too

By the way, if you read this, please comment, I want to know if someone actually read this.

See ya next week -Shaun Sas

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Random post coming soon!

I'm probably gonna post my thoughts tonight, later tomarrow, okay?

See ya -ShaunSas

Monday, August 16, 2010

Random Post-My Thoughts Last Night

I had no idea how to make a comeback(and most likely leave for the next few months) so i'm just posting my thoughts from last night
Man, school sucks, why the heck am I in Advanced Pre-Algerbra, I got a C in math last trimester,and it's my only adv. class, not as bad as Music i guess, the Clarinet seems fun, but i've been doing it for 4 years straight,why the hell can't I leave? Well a free trip to Disneyland sounds fun, i guess. School sucks like i said above,at least in 2012 the world could possibly end, maybe through a meteor, or some nutjob terrorist launches a nuclear bomb, or maybe a super volcano will blow up and convert all of the oxygen into carbon or something....... anyway it happens, it happens. Man, if it does, that means i'm going to die at age 15, then again little 1 year olds will die to, and a bunch of animals, probably not cockroaches........ hmmmm my birthday is coming up, i wonder what useless crap i'm a gonna get this time. Maybe Halo:Reach, that sounds sick, i want Recon, so I'll probably pre-order it, Halo 3 is the bomb, i got a Killtrocity(6 0r 7 kills under something like 12 seconds) Too bad i can't play it, or ANY games on weekdays, so I focus on school. The whole universe from Earth Science makes me think, what if the universe is only a fraction of some Giga Dimensional Space Cat's Pupil.....or maybe we're just one of the million universes part of that Multiverse theory or whatever, man when i learned if the gravity was just a tad higher or lower, we wouldn't have existed, i S*$% bricks, then again, that's probably the case in some other universe of that Multiverse crap.......... I'm just rambling now huh? It's fun though..... Once again, where i started, school sucks. I hate the popular kids, we got boys wearing their pants really low, like some fat gangster, wearing some skateboard crap shirt, and we got popular girls wearing shorts less then 2 inches tall, or just wearing there darn Pj's to school, F*%&ing retarded...........then when the lead popular boy/girl gets beat up, the winner and his/her friends replace all of the popular kids, and we get into some new fassion, or 8th grader shenanigans, or yard duty strictness. all of it is stupid........why am I not one of them, i'm not that cool, but I'm hell of a lot better then the nerds who collect crap. Hell, i'm better then the Semi-Popular kids, I'm in the top 40's probably,why am i whining? Seriously, am I just a whiner? Is this entire post one giant ass whine? Man, why am I still typing, you probably only read the first few sentences....well I'm hungry, I'll post later this week if I feel like it....probably not...
Peace guys (and girls if there are any) -Shaun Sas (My innitials,I'm not sassy, lol)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Funkeys and Bionicles gone

For a while,the things mentioned above have been gone, that's what my blog was about,so ima start a poll about what my blog should now be about

btw have a great summer( if your in America)

Saturday, May 22, 2010


Okay,funkiki wanted me to post so i did
I dunno,i don't really care bout this site anymore,maybe one day though,maybe.......

Monday, February 22, 2010

Hero Factory

Well we all know by now what bionicle is being replaced with:HERO FACTORY

Looks weird,but promising,though I'm disappointed,seems the silver,white,and black heroes have a classic bionicle hand for an ARM,but the baddies look awesome! look at them on

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Lets Catch Up

I gotta make up for the fridays i forgot to post on

We haven't heard about a series 6 for funkeys yet have we?Let's cross our fingers,toes,and tongues for them to survive a cold,death bringing cold front of discontinue!

Bionicles finally gave in,Stars will be the LAST series to be released,i got Tahu,this series are as big as agori......

see ya soon!

OH,and happy 2010!